24 Jul Normative Acts approved by Albanian Authorities governing Residence Permit matters of Foreigners
Normative acts approved by Albanian Authorities governing residence permit matters of foreigners.
Recently, the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Albania has approved the Instruction no. 114, dated 09.07.2024 “On the Procedure of issuance, Refusal, Renewal or Cancellation of Residence and/or Unique Permit for Foreigners” and the Instruction no. 116, dated 11.07.2024 “On the Procedures and Registration Form of Foreigners in the National Registry of Civil Status”.
These Instructions aiming to clarify the procedure to be followed by foreigners after approving their Residence and/or Unique Permit by the Albanian Immigration Authorities.
- Instruction no. 114, dated 09.07.2024 “On the Procedure of issuance,
Refusal, Renewal or Cancellation of Residence Permit and Unique Permit for Foreigners”
The Instruction provides that the Immigration department at the Local Border and Immigration Directorate, after the foreigner submits the physical documentation, registers the “Residence permit module” in the Foreigner Electronic Registry (FER) system.
After registering the application in the FER-TIMS system, the Immigration office provides with a Provisional Residence Permit the foreigner, in the electronic format, via the email address provided by the applicant.
After the approval of the issuance the Residence Permit/Unique Permit, the Immigration office informs the applicant via the email address provided in the application by the later, a notice informing for:
- a) the approval of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit;
- b) the obligation to register with the Civil Status Office his residential address;
- c) making the payment of the fee of the biometric card.
The foreigner must appear in person at the Immigration office to perform the application procedure for the biometric card of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit.
Upon obtaining the Residence Permit/Unique permit, the foreigner has to submit to the Immigration office the provisional permit or the existing residence permit/unique permit (in case of its renewal).
In case the Immigration Authorities decides to cancel and/or annul the issued Residence Permit/Unique Permit, this decision is registered in the FER system, the latter take measures to remove the foreigner from the territory of the Republic of Albania.
In case, the foreigner is not in the Republic of Albania, the Immigration office notifies all Border Crossing Points through the TIMS system, about the cancellation and/or refusal of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit.
Regarding the cancellation and/or refusal of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit, the foreigner may be notified by the Border and Migration Police services at the Border- Crossing Point, when entering to the Republic of Albania.
- Calculation of the start of Residence Permit term
The Instruction unifies the procedure of the calculation of the beginning of the term of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit, providing that:
(i) After approval of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit by the Immigration authorities, as the starting date, will be considered the date of online registration of the application on the government portal.
(ii) For foreigners who must apply for a Visa, the date of entry into the territory of the Republic of Albania will be considered the starting date of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit, after obtaining the corresponding Visa.
(iii) In the case of renewal, the term of the renewed permit will start one day after the expiry of the previous Residence Permit/Unique Permit.
- Instruction no.116, dated 11.07.2024 “On the Procedures and Registration Form of Foreigners in the National Registry of Civil Status”.
The Instruction provides that, the foreigner, within 30 (thirty) days running form the receiving date of the notification for the approval of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit, by the Immigration Authority, has to be registered at the Civil Status Office where is located his temporary residence, presenting the following documents:
- copy of the notification for the approval of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit sent via e-mail by the Immigration office;
- the travel document with which he entered in Albania (i.e. passport);
- a notarized copy of the lease contract, or of the ownership title certificate of his residence.
Upon the registration to the Civil Status Office, the foreigner’s data is reflected in the National Register of Civil Status, and the foreigner may start the application process for the biometric card of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit.
In case of a change of the residence, the foreigner must declare it to the Civil Status Office, through the “e-Albania” portal, within 30 (thirty) days from obtaining the new residence.
When the foreigner’s Residence Permit/Unique Permit expires, his data are automatically deactivated in the National Register of Civil Status, within 1 (one) month from the expiration of the Residence Permit/Unique Permit. As well as, in the case of cancellation of the Residence Permit or when the foreigner leaves the territory of the Republic of Albania, the status of the foreigner in the National Register of Civil Status, changes automatically from “active” to “blocked“.
This Instruction is effective after the relevant technical developments will be reflected in the “e-Albania” portal.
For additional information please feel free to contact us at the following: setting@settinglaw.com.
11/2 Twin Towers
Deshmoret e Kombit Blvd.
1019 Tirana, Albania
M: +355 68 20 21227
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